Friday, March 19, 2010

Geeks on bikes

My husband is the quintessential geek.  Tall, glasses, smart.  When he told me he was going to learn how to ride a motorbike, I was quite shocked.  He didn't strike me as the easy rider type. 

Anyway, he passed his L's, bought a brand new bike and began his riding odyssey.  To be honest, he isn't a hoon, its merely an easy and cheap way to get to work.

He has 'dropped' the bike before, it fell out from under him in the wet, he skidded along, a bump and a bruise, but nothing major.

Until now.

This time, he still has a bump and a bruise, but it could have been way worse.  This time, he was hit by a car.  I wont bore you with the intricicies of the smash, but basically a car didnt see him, it pulled out in front, he tried to avoid it, clipped the front of the car, the bike fell on him and I get a call from a shaking sounding Daryl asking for my dad or brother to come with the trailer.

Its funny, when the phone rang, before I picked it up, I thought, "This is bad news coming".  But then I rationalised that the cops wouldn't call, they would turn up at my door.  I would often think something had happened to Daryl when he was late home from work, or it was wet.  But he always turned up.  He was actually meant to be home early yesterday, and when he was taking a long time, I just thought he got tied up at work.

But thankfully, he is ok.  Hobbling a bit with a badly bruised left leg, swollen ankle and sore ribs.

More photos.... and to gross out all those from Fat Mum Slim playing point and shoot

The bruises are coming out nicely now...


  1. Ewww. I hope he's okay.

    Don't forget to link back to Fat Mum Slim when you play Point and Shoot. :)

  2. Oh poor thing. I am sorry that he had to go thru that. Motorbikes scare me for that very reason. My brother in law was almost killed on his. I fear them!
