Sunday, May 16, 2010

Crappy Mc Crap Crap

What a shitty weekend.

Well, I might be being a tad dramatic.  I'm sure there are people out there who had worse. 

It started off well enough, Lucy had a birthday party out at Lollipops, an indoor playground.  I actually go there twice a week with Fitmums, we do our exercise, and then we get free entry to Lollipops after.  They have THE BEST banana bread.  Sort of negates the exercise, but it is delicious!!!

Anyways, so Lucy had a lovely time, playing, party food, and a nice time was had by all. 
Later that arvo, Lucy was complaining of a sore tummy, typical after a party and eating junk.  She then promptly threw up all over the carpet.  Nice.

Poor bubba was then throwing up every 20 mins or so for the rest of the night.  She spent today in bed watching DVD's. 

So unfortunately, there is nothing fabulous for me to report for those playing Point and Shoot this weekend!

But NEXT weekend, I am off to Sydney for my first ever weekend away without Emily.  (well, its only going to be Friday night, but still.) I should have exciting tales to tell...  Tales of ROCK (we are going to see Hoodoo Gurus) and of SHOPPING (we are going to Ikea!) yay!

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