Thursday, February 25, 2010

Still figuring out what this blog will be... but I know what it WONT be!

I have been doing some serious research*.... I have been reading blog after blog on various subjects, mostly ones by mums, since funnily enough, that's what I am currently spending most of my time doing.  I have also been reading blogs about craft, death, music, you name it, I'm reading it.  Some would call it being lazy.  I am calling it RESEARCH!

In doing that, I have decided what my blog will NOT be.  It will not be about craft.  Because I am not skilfully crafty.  I like to think I am, but in comparison, I suck HARD!

I have also decided it will not be about me and my struggle to get through a life altering experience.  Mainly because I haven't had one. 

So, in that regard, my blog will be a mummy/life/work (when I go back to it)/everything kinda blog.  but the TOTAL opposite to some I have read.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many sites talking about how everything is just fine and dandy and I love my life, look at this flower I found on my morning walk in my fabulous neighbourhood with my fabulous husband and my fabulous children etc etc etc....

you get my drift.

so basically, it will just be me talking crap about things I feel the need to vent about, things that make me happy, things that make other people happy.  you know, stuff. 

It could all turn to shit very quickly, or more likely I will get bored with it very quickly and it will sit here in the internet ether gathering proverbial cyberspace dust.

*(read:  sitting on my butt, well actually laying down on my side because my tailbone hurts too much)

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