Monday, August 22, 2011

I am really bad at this aren't I.

I am feeling very morose at the moment.  Work dramas, family dramas, meh!

My new latest obsession Woogsworld via SawHole her ever able assistant has provoked me into action...

So here goes.

My earliest memory is my parents making me stand on the steps of a plane on Brampton Island for a photo and petrified it was going to take off with me standing there.

At school I was constantly in teased for being fat.  If only I was that fat now...

My first relationship was with the very dodgy guy around the corner who had an even dodgier brother that is probably now locked up as a sex offender....

I don't like talking about other peoples problems

My most treasured possession is my children of course *snort*  or my numerous signed powderfinger merchandise

My parents always told me stop teasing your brother 

I wish I had been more active as a teenager/adult

I wish I hadn't let people walk all over me and be my own person... and NOT  go out with my first boyfriend at all let alone for 3 years.  I should have kicked him to the curb the minute he told me "i'd go out with you if you lost weight"

My most humiliating moment was pinching my prac supervisor on the bum when I thought it was someone else.  Still makes me cringe 12 years later!

My happiest moments were meeting powderfinger for the first time, my children being born, natch

At home I cook very little!

My last meal would be green chicken curry from chop chop in Flemington in Melbourne.  Best. Ever. Mouth is watering just thinking about it.

I'm very bad at housewifery, hiding my disdain, BLOGGING!

If I wasn't me I'd like to be BabyMac or a professional groupie a'la Penny Lane in Almost Famous!

The last big belly laugh I had was lately, I cant remember.  oh wait, yes I do... out to dinner with friends and my rock bitch Dave trying to sneak out a fart and it turns out to be the loudest, most rank sounding fart EVER.  epic fail... but my god, I even think I snorted.

When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher!  So I guess I should be happy that I have reached my goal then huh???  hmmmm

The book that changed my life Forever, Judy Blume. 

It's not fashionable, but I dont give a shit!  I like to look nice at the right occasion, but on the weekend... meh.

Friends say I am cranky, intolerant but mildly amusing.

The song I'd like played at my funeral is nothing by powderfinger... just to surprise people!!!

My greatest fear is my kids growing up without me.... not that I think I am mother of the year, cough but it would make me sad if they didn't have their mum.  I know I would be if I lost my mum.

At the moment I'm reading nothing... who has time for reading when there are blogs to be read!  haha

At the moment I'm listening to my husband blowing his nose about 10 times.  ugh.

If only I could lose 60 kgs right now.  Just for 5 minutes.  Then I would know what it was like and I would be enthused to do it the hard way.  

The hardest thing I've ever done push out two babies... at different times!

What I don't find amusing is people who think they are owed a living, or the world revolves round them and their issues.

I'm always being asked - "mum!  look!" and then jibberish.  ad nausea, multiple times per hour, per day, per week.

Cat or Dog? Both.  We currently have a dog, but only because I had never had a dog and wanted to try it.  I think i prefer a cat!

My worst job was delivering pizzas

I wonder if I will ever get this blogging thing going!!!

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