Friday, July 22, 2011


I had to go back to work today for a PD (Professional Development) which in short is how we teachers learn new stuff.  Some of them can be a complete and utter waste of time.  I have been to PLENTY of those.  Here in the ACT, teachers have to do their PD in stand down (wanky term for holidays).  In NSW, they have pupil free days, which are usually the first day back after holidays.  But here in the 'berra, as part of our EBA, ours are during 'stand down'.  I remember once getting in big trouble for calling holidays 'holidays'. 

"No Deborah (this bitch always called me Deborah, I fucking hated her)  It's called stand down."

fuck her.  It's holidays.  STFU.

Anyhoo, we had one of those today.  It was REALLY good.  REALLY useful for what we as a school can do moving forward.  Everyone is on board and excited about this way of doing things.

Except one.

There is always one.  Always one who disagrees with everything, everyone and every idea.  Just because they can. 

This woman, who is as sour as spoilt milk and has a permanent cats bum face.  She is the same age as me but looks 20 years older.  Here's an example of her foolery, and I am paraphrasing because if I were to go word for word, I would be here a week.

This PD was about developing a school process that everyone can follow so we are all on the same page about what we as a staff see teaching and learning.  Part of this ongoing PD is a section where the PARENT COMMUNITY (so not teachers, unless they want to) are going to be contributing to the plan of the school.  It is to be held after school (which was clearly marked on the sheet we were reading, as well as it being clearly marked as being FOR THE COMMUNITY)  This one puts up her hand.  She also speaks with a put on lisp when she is particularly being a douche nugget.

"well, I already see a problem, me, being a single parent, can see an issue with me having to be here after school"

Blocker.  Instantly.  before even finding out what was entailed AND IGNORING WHAT WAS STATED ON THE SHEET!

Now, I could be completely factitious and outline this woman's personal issues as well as her professional ones.  But I wont.  Needless to say, she is the most vapid, annoying, waste of space I have ever come across. 


I just had to get that off my chest. 

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