It still sounds weird to say "my children", even though Lucy is 4. Perhaps because it is plural. Emily is 4 months old now, and feels like she has been here since forever. She is crazily similar to her sister in looks and personality, I just hope she doesn't grow up resenting the similarities. I must remember not to always compare her to Lucy... and let he be her own person...
They are just gorgeous (if I do say so myself), and are my life (of course). For some reason, I always thought I would have boys. Funny how things work. I am glad I have girls, even though I am not the girly girl myself. Lucy is without any influence from me. Perhaps Em will be the tomboy. Lucy loves anything pink, frilly, swishy, pretty and generally everything I wouldnt wear in a blue fit. She cracks it when dresses arent swishy enough. She is not enjoying having to wear a uniform to school (well no frilly dresses at least). While preschool does not usually have a uniform, because she goes to a P-2 school, they have school colours (purple and green). Its not compulsory, but I jumped at the chance to not have to argue about wanting to wear her best clothes to school and get them full of paint!
Em naturally doesn't really care what she wears, as long as its warm. My parents are always on at me about her having cold feet. Its not my fault socks always fall off her!!! She is starting to develop her own little personality, and while she is a very good baby, happy and smiley, when she is unhappy, the WHOLE WORLD knows about it. We drove 40 mins from Bungendore to home the other night with her SCREAMING the whole way. People are generally shocked when they hear her cry because it is very rare that she does.
The girls have several nicknames, I think this stems from my mum who always shortens or adds to names and makes up silly little pet names. Growing up, my brother was boonksy, robbie-doo, robbie dicks. I was missy. I think I got shafted there! haha. my nephews also have nicknames, mitchell has always been moo, which gets several deviations, including mooseykid, mooseynoodle, magoo etc. Liam is the weeman, and gets lots of variations, including wee-um the whecker, weedle. So as you can see, there is a rich family history of nicknames!
Bam-ma and Mooseykid
Weeman wants to know what the hell your talking about Willis?
Your girls are beautiful. So beautiful. xx