Here is a little something about me and my wonderful, understanding, and geekily hot husband Daryl
What are your middle names?
Jane and Ian. how boring.
How long have you been together?We've been married for 5, together for almost 8
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Well we pretty much started dating straight away. We moved in with each other pretty quickly (2 months or so in) cos he had to move out of his place and I was house sitting.
Who asked whom out?
We joke about this, I say that he seduced me, and he says I seduced him. I think it was just pretty mutual that we liked each other so we started hanging out. The first weekend we hooked up, it was Friday night he put his arm around me, Saturday night we hugged all night (it was cold, and we were at a 21st bday outside) and Sunday night, well we sorta, you know... hooked up. :)
How old are each of you?
I am 36, he is 29 in a few weeks. yes, I am apparently a cougar!
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Mine. Him and Robbie get into all sorts of geeky shinanigans. Daryls sister lives in melbourne, his brother in perth.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?We are pretty cruisy really. I think the hardest part is we tend to bottle up what pisses us off so we dont upset each other, so when it finally blows, we both get all stupid and emotional.
Did you go to the same school?
Considering when he was still in primary school I was out at the pub, no.
Are you from the same home town?
Nope. We both come from Victoria though. I was born in Melbourne, he in Hamilton. County boy and city girl
Who is smarter?'
I may have the education, but he has the smarts.
Who is the most sensitive?
I think Daryl is deep down.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We go every friday night to the club for dinner with my folks. Life in the fast lane for us!!!
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Darwin. Did a big road trip up the centre when my folks were living up there. Had a good time. I'd love to do it with the kids when they are a bit older and I would also like to do it again with daryl when we retire.
Who has the craziest exes?He does. He only has the one, but she made our life difficult when we first started going out.
Who has the worst temper?
I think we both do, although it doesnt come out much. I am trying to teach him to be more patient with the girls and not blow up over stupid things.
Who does the cooking?
We both do, but he is better at it. He is more precise and thinks things through. I just throw things in and hope for the best.
Who is the neat-freak?
Neither... which means our place is always a mess. I have an inner neat freak, but it is surpressed by the laziness freak.
Who is more stubborn?Daryl. I am more willing to see both sides, whereas he sees one side!
Who hogs the bed?
We are pretty good at keeping to our sides, but now and then a rogue arm comes over and tries to crush me.
Who wakes up earlier?
I am better at waking up earlier, but perhaps cos I can hear the alarm!!!
Where was your first date?
Well that first weekend, we went to Southern Cross club and PJ's at tuggers, Saturday was the 21st at some house in higgins, and Sunday night was his place. Later on I think we went on a real 'date', since I demanded it. We went up to Mt Ainslie and looked at the lights.
Who is more jealous?We're not really jealous people, at all. So neither.
How long did it take to get serious?We were pretty serious from the start. I think it was a few weeks in when he said he loved me. It was a bit early for me, but I was pretty sure I felt the same way. I just knew that we would be together in some way, even when we met months before and never spoke to one another at another party (well, it was a room of geeks, one computer and me. woo.) I just thought there was something about the quiet boy in the corner who said nothing.
Who eats more?
Me. He very often misses out on things because I eat it before he gets a chance! Although he can eat a whole chicken himself!!!
Who does the laundry?
We both do, although I tend to do more cos I am home.
Who's better with the computer?
hahahahahahahahaha. umm, definately him. In fact, I think I have lost computer skills being with him, cos I just get him to do it all!
Who drives when you are together?
Hubby. I drive so much during the week.
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