Very neglectful of me, but life has just gotten away from me since going back to work!
But as usual, Chantelle at FatMumSlim has given me some inspiration with her Point and Shoot.... plus I also had a pretty exciting weekend!
2 gigs down, 6 more to go. The beginning of the end.... :(
Had a great weekend up in the Goldie and Brisvegas. Didn't hurt that Riverfire was on at the same time, so we got fireworks to boot! Not to mention F1-11 dump and burns. Quite the evening in Brisbane, but it made for a very slow and tiring wait for a taxi that night!
I also got some new 'ink'. I finally replicated the daughter tattoo so now Emily has one the same as Lucy on my inner ankle, plus just to add to the whole powderfinger experience, I got some lyrics on my back.
Haven't shown hubby this one yet....